Music News

Philip Frohnmayer, the Mary Freeman Wisdom Distinguished Professor of Opera and chair of vocal studies at Loyola Unive

Katie M. Codina ’07, Metairie, La., was named the Elementary Band Director of the Year by the District VI Band Director’s Association.

Amanda Wuerstlin ’06 (music education), New Orleans, La., plays violin and sings harmonies in Big History, a band that layers sultry, southern voca

Stanton Moore, ’94, is band leader for Galactic, Moore and More, and Garage a Trois.

"The singers were exceptionally fine and well matched, starting with the tenor Richard Croft, strong yet vulnerable as Gandhi. Like Mr.

John Gros ’89 (piano), New Orleans, La., and his band, Papa Grows Funk, will go on indefinite hiatus in early summer.

Shana Bey ’06 has been playing the violin since the age of six.

Madeleine Flynn '10 (aka New Orleans singer Maddie Ruthless) hosts a monthly ska and reggae night at the Lower Garden District bar the Saint, and l

The Metropolitan Opera bestowed its prestigious Beverly Sills Award upon Loyola University New Orleans alumnus

Kasey Sollenberger '10, a graduate of the Music Therapy program, has established YourSong Music Therapy, a private practice in Fort Worth, Texas.