School Of Music And Theatre Professions News

Mary Beth Kratky, ’07, resides in Los Angeles.

Brian Treitler, '08, recently booked and filmed an episode of HBO's Big Love. Brian is in the 8th episode of the season, which will probably air so

Kristi Jacobs, '05, currently manages the comedy group Stupid Time Machine in New Orleans, LA.  Their latest show, Love in the Time of Swine Flu, h

Ian Hoch, '06, currently works at BIG 870AM WWL Radio as a Broadcast Engineer, part time News Reporter, and Social Media Director.  

Gretchen Hirt ’12 (theatre/communication) was named communications coordinator for New Orleans-based public relations firm Gambel Communications.

Theatre Arts alumni David Hanks '11 is currently serving as the account executive and business manager of Palmer-Tingley LLC, & Associates and

Monica R. Harris is a professional actor and a proud New Orleanian not by birth, but at heart.

Eric John Ladwig ’98 (drama), Dallas, Texas, published book six in his fantasy series.

Current theatre student Charlotte Voekel lead the cast of Little Shop of Horrors at Playmakers Theater in Covington, Louisiana, under the direction