The Misanthrope

Friday, November 5, 2010 - 7:30pm to Saturday, November 13, 2010 - 7:30pm
Ben Saypol
Marquette Theatre

Is authenticity and honesty at the risk of being ostracized more important than moving up in the world via coddling and flattery? This question is at the core of Neil Bartlett’s modern, edgy translation of Molière’s classic, “The Misanthrope"
“The Misanthrope” tells the story of an arrogant young man whose endless criticism of other people's vices doesn't prevent him from falling in love with a deceitful, manipulative young woman. Set in the present, Bartlett’s adaptation observes the French royal court which has turned into a gigantic insider party, with the guests circling each other in a feeding frenzy of fakery and flattery.