Fall and Spring Senior One-Act Festivals

Sunday, April 26, 2015 - 7:00pm to Friday, April 29, 2016 - 7:00pm
Lower Depths Theatre

Theatre at Loyola originated with the Thespian Troupe in 1849.  Continuing a long tradition of dedication to the training of the future theatre artist and audiences of tomorrow, Loyola University Theatre focuses on the training of the undergraduate student while offering diverse and exceptional theatre entertainment to the New Orleans community.

The Senior One-Act Festivals are produced and directed by the senior class offering a rich variety of entertainment.  They are offered in the Lower Depths Theatre with free admission.

The Fall Senior One-Act Festival will be held on December 3 & 4 @ 7:00 pm.

The Spring Senior One-Act Festival will be April 24 @ 2:00 pm & 25 @ 7:00 pm and April 28 & 29 @ 7:00 pm.