Design professor creates ‘Wonderful’ exhibition to highlight the positives in life

The idea of now being wonderful couldn’t be further from the truth, said Marx, chair of Loyola’s Department of Design.

The original idea grew from Marx wanting to highlight the positives in life. With so much violence in the world; anger, deceit and lies in politics; hate for differences in humans; and, the increase in anxiety and depression, Marx wondered, is now wonderful? Was it ever wonderful? Can it be wonderful?

To maintain a healthy existence during a scary, unknown time, Marx decided to do something with all that cardboard. She began creating digital designs that evolved from her daily yoga practice that reflected the mantra of the day.

The designs – the small daily reminders of the wonderful in Marx’s life – are now the focal point in her new exhibition at the Diboll Gallery, on the 4th floor of Monroe Library.
“Wonderful is Now” has transformed the space to remind everyone to think about the small bits of wonderfulness in their lives. 

The show combines 1,146 (and counting) daily mantras, with some re-made in wood and stencils, many repeated in sayings but designed differently. Marx created 12 monthly designs, four pillars of gratitude, a Wonderful/NOW sculpture, a cardboard interactive wall and spray-painted cardboard collage pieces.

It took two years of yoga practice and daily designs to shift Marx back to believing: Yes, life is always wonderful.